Sample Wax Melts - Kitty Haven
Crystal Candles
These packs are sample packs! You will get 6 random scents. Scents may vary from pack to pack. I will try to keep them in their own scent groups, from time to time they may get mixed however each drop box will have listed what scent is in each via photograph. Each pack will come with a list of scent and description. The scent groups are as follows,
- Fruity
- Floral
- Food
- Wood, Earth and Spice
- Seasonal eg Christmas
- Sweet
These beautiful little paw print packs are my way of giving to a charity I personally love and support! All the proceeds from the sales of these wee wax melt paw prints goes straight to Kitty Haven. is their website please feel free to go have a look at what they are all about.
These paw prints are normally made up from the last of my wax where I have made usually not enough wax to finish a set of wax blocks and rather than waste the wax, I thought making them into something and paying forward the proceeds was a better use for the wax. At this stage there will be limited numbers for each Sample Pack.